Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program Gmu Masonlive

  1. Summer Internship Program In Houston
Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program Gmu Masonlive

George Mason Summer Internships. GMU Summer 2017 Research Fellowship. Program Description. Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program. Aspiring Scientists Get in Touch with Their Artistic Side. Who participated in Mason’s Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program. George Mason University.

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Members and friends of Virginia Bio, There is an extraordinary summer program for high school and college age scientists at George Mason University. Amy VanMeter Adams is the Director of the Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program at GMU, within the Center for Applied Proteomics & Molecular Medicine on the Prince William Campus. This summer, sixty-seven competitively selected high school and undergraduate students from 27 different schools will participate in the 2014 Aspiring Scientists Summer Internship Program (ASSIP). For seven and a half weeks, the participants will work one-one with university scientists to engage in sophisticated, original STEM research in Proteomics, Genomics, Neuroscience, Biochemistry, Infectious Disease, Biodefense, Bioinformatics, Computer Science, Physics, Nanotechnology, Applied Mathematics, Bioengineering, or Environmental Science. In addition to gaining hands-on experience using the latest technologies in their discipline, the participants will also practice scientific writing and communication skills, participate in workshops that promote creativity, and attend career development activities that introduce the variety of STEM careers in private industry, government, academia, and healthcare. To date, 220 students have participated in ASSIP for 1 or more years.

Summer Internship Program In Houston


Of this cohort, 29 students co-authored scientific journal articles, 12 co-authored abstracts presented at local and national conferences, 3 co-authored a submitted book chapter, and 1 student was co-inventor on a patent application based on work performed during the ASSIP program. Philanthropic support for the 2014 ASSIP has been provided by 4-VA, Fisher Scientific, Life Technologies, Micron Foundation, Corning Life Sciences, Prince William County Department of Economic Development, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Promega, George Mason University, and private donors. I have shared this model with colleagues at other state BIO organizations and state BIO foundations across the country, and they are always greatly impressed.

It is a treasure. Thanks to Amy and the researchers and administrators at GMU, and to their sponsors, who are investing so wisely in the next generation of bio scientists?

Check it out. Best Regards, Jeff Gallagher Tags.

This entry was posted on 29.10.2019.