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Welcome to Click the App Button you want to work on! We introduce PHASE, a highly flexible system for common pharmacophore identification and assessment, 3D QSAR model development, and 3D database creation and searching.

Accepted: 17 October 2006 Summary We introduce PHASE, a highly flexible system for common pharmacophore identification and assessment, 3D QSAR model development, and 3D database creation and searching. The primary workflows and tasks supported by PHASE are described, and details of the underlying scientific methodologies are provided.
Using results from previously published investigations, PHASE is compared directly to other ligand-based software for its ability to identify target pharmacophores, rationalize structure-activity data, and predict activities of external compounds. (A1)where p(H) is the probability that a random drug-like molecule will match the hypothesis, irrespective of any activity exhibited by that molecule toward the biological target in question. Given a database of drug-like molecules, it is straightforward to search that database for matches to a hypothesis, and thereby arrive at an estimate of selectivity based on that particular sample population of molecules.
However, application of such a procedure is far too time-consuming to be practical when scoring a large number of hypotheses, so a rapid means of estimating selectivity based on the physical characteristics of a hypothesis is sought. (A11) Since there were six types of features in the sampled pharmacophores, the number of unique feature pairs was 21, requiring a total of 42 adjustable parameters. No attempt was made to optimize all of these independently because of the possibility of only limited information for certain pairs of features. For example, pharmacophores that contain both negative and positive ionizable features tend to be very rare among drug-like structures, so they cannot be expected to be well-represented in a relatively small population sample. Therefore, parameter values were determined by applying a partial least-squares (PLS) procedure to fit the −log 10(H λ) values in terms of latent factors constructed from the pool of 42 variables. Details of the PLS algorithm used in PHASE are provided in Appendix B. To arrive at an appropriate number of PLS factors to include in the model, predictions were made for a test set of 500 pharmacophores drawn from the same sample population of 1000 WDI structures.
As successively more PLS factors were incorporated into the model, test set errors trended downward until reaching a minimum at 23 factors. At this point, the test set RMSE was 0.372 log units and Q 2 was 0.786. This compared to a training set RMSE of 0.343 and R 2 of 0.826. This model has been integrated into PHASE for computation of the SelectivityScore term that appears in Eq. It is worth noting that training sets containing as many as 5000 structures were also investigated, and no significant improvement in the test set predictions was observed.
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The protocol of using 1000 structures was adopted because it is far less computationally demanding, and therefore represents a practical approach for users who wish to calibrate selectivity models based on a different set of structures. Appendix B: partial least-squares regression. PHASE utilizes a standard recursive procedure for extracting orthogonal latent factors from a data matrix in a predetermined number of steps. It is distinguished from the NIPALS algorithm , , which is an iterative approach with a user-defined stopping criterion, but no absolute control over the total number of steps.
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Let X∈ R n × m represent the independent variable data matrix for a training set of n observations and a pool of m variables. Let y∈ R n × 1 represent the training set dependent data, which will be estimated using latent factors extracted from X. Creation of the PLS regression model proceeds as follows.

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