Gorillaz Plastic Beach Game Not Working

Can someone give me a link to a working version of the game? In buying this Gorillaz The Republic of Plastic Beach. Plastic beach point and click game.
As is the style for Damon Albarn’s genre-bending, cartoon collective Gorillaz, their upcoming album, Plastic Beach, is being promoted with loads of digital goodies. Today, the band tweeted a link to an online video game based on Plastic Beach — and it’s worth checking out. The action-adventure, playable on, is set on a post-apocalyptic beach and loaded with crude humor, allusions to Fantasy Island, ambient dub sounds, and Gorillaz’ own special brand of cyberpunk sprinkled over every pixel. The action is controlled by an iPhone-looking widget at the bottom of the screen referred to as the “GOD device.” The virtual island setting is home for each of the band members, including Murdoc, who recently landed in our column thanks to his stellar tweeting habits. As players follow talking seagulls and collect clues through elevator shafts and dark passageways, they explore the Gorillaz universe as much as any “real” person could ever hope. The album itself — out March 9 — will include loads of special guests including Snoop Dogg, Lou Reed, the Bee Gees’ Barry Gibb, the Fall’s Mark E. Smith, and the Clash’s Mick Jones and Paul Simonon.
Check out “Stylo,” a collaboration with rapper Mos Def,. Gorillaz are set to headline the final night of this year’s on April 18 in Indio, California sharing the bill with Spoon, Thom Yorke, and the reunited Pavement.
1 – Pugwash 2 – Cook 3 – Corelli 4 – Christiansen 5 – The Sea 6 – Dobey 7 – Morgan 8 – Nemo 9 – Birdseye 10 – Sensible 11 – Hawkeye 12 – Caveman 13 – Picard 14 – Bligh 15 – Beefheart 16 – Black 17 – Hook 18 – Solo 19 – Quint 20 – Miller 21 – Sky 22 – Ahab 23 – Carrot 24 – James Lovell 25 – Scarlett 26 – Blood 27 – America 28 – Captain Kirk 29 – Mary Falconer 30 – Kate Kestrel 31 – Kremmen 32 – Panaka 33 – Monastario 34 – Flint 35 – Mainwaring 36 – Haddock 37 – Scott 38 – Crunch Fixing the lift panel. 1 – Go to the lift.
2 – Click the panel. 3 – Click the yellow button next to the label “STUDY – STUDIO”.
4 – Click the middle draw of the desk in the study and collect the spam from inside. 5 – Go to far right of study and click the fish tank. 6 – Click the top of the fish tank to open it up. 7 – Click your inventory (white bag with plus sign on it). 8 – Then click the spam in your inventory to withdraw it. 9 – Now click the top of the fish tank to use the spam.
Plastic Beach Game
10 – There is a red fish in the bottom corner of the screen, click about an inch away from it in the tank and the spam will provoke it to leave its hiding spot. Repeat until the fish reaches the top. 11 – Click the red fish to collect it. 12 – Click on the lift door.
13 – Click the lift panel. 14 – Click the yellow button with the label “ENTERANCE” next to it. 15 – Click on your inventory bag and select the red fish.
16 – Click on the pelican to begin the minigame. Aim at the pelican’s mouth and throw the fish into it to continue. 17 – The pelican will cough up the wrench which you can now collect from the floor.
18 – Click the door in front of you to enter it. 19 – Click on the lift door. 20 – Click the lift panel. 21 – Open your inventory bag again, but this time click the wrench and then click one of the two nuts approximatly two thirds the way down the panel and spin your cursor around it in a circular motion. Continue on with the other nut. The panel will have fallen off now triggering yet another minigame. 22 – In this game you need to slide the circuit chips across by clicking them so that the yellow contactors are all joined together.
There are two of these games which are both fairly simple. 23 – Now you can access 2D’s room to talk to him and carry on the “Plastic Beach Quest”. Calming 2D down (Lift panel needs fixing first!). 1 – Assuming you have fixed the lift from the last sub-guide, go to the lift and go to 2D’s room.
2 – Firstly, talk to 2D and he will be saying about the fact that he is scared of whales and Murdoc payed a whale (some how) to watch over 2D so he doesn’t escape. 3 – After this conversation, click-drag the curtains above his bed shut; 2D will now lie down. 4 – Talk to him again and he will thank you for getting the whale away. Thats all there is to it!

Getting the “Go Bananas!” achievement (account needed to gain, so sign in!). 1 – Go to the lift and go to the “MASTER BEDROOM”. 2 – Go through the door with the graffiti “MUDZ” on it, this will take you to Murdoc’s room. 3 – Go to the far right of the screen and there is a small mountain of boxes. One of these, around the middle, has banana’s in it. 4 – Once you have click the banana box, it will open.
Click a banana in it and it will fly over to the rowing machine. 5 – Now go over to the rowing machine and grab one of the two handles and drag it back and forth until the banana peels. 6 – Repeat until you get the achievement (4-5 times). Okay A bit out of topic but.2 questions, if I may? I signed up on the 1st of May, gotten through everything and I’m stuck with all of you on the same level, so, yeah.
Do answer me please? 1st Why hasn’t my ‘confirmation e-mail’ been sent yet? I mean, I put the right e-mail address, sent the confirmation mail to myself more than 5 times and they still haven’t sent ANYTHING yet. 2nd, It’s already May, are they updating on Plastic Beach after their live tour or what? Just a simple guess, nothing to it.