Nigeria Oil And Gas Concessions Map And Licenses And Permits
Look up original licences and licence reports for UK onshore, offshore and gas storage by block, company or licence number. Licence reports. Scanned licence documents You can by block or part block using our look-up menu (no login required). If you are using IE10 or IE11, please view the page above in “Compatibility View” found on the tools menu. Additional licensing data.
Licence relinquishments The OGA relies on the operator to confirm all necessary permissions have been obtained from any person, group, or company that may own the intellectual priority (copyright) within any material to be published. Clearance for publication must cover items including seismic lines, reprocessed seismic data, extracts from commercial reports / maps / group-funded reports, maps, sections and well data. The reports must comply with the (PDF, 233KB, two pages) and be submitted within three months of the request.
The petroleum industry in Nigeria is the. While it did permit Nigerian exports to become. Map of the oil and gas infrastructure in Nigeria; Map of the.

Find out how to The OGA does not accept responsibility for any of the information published above nor does it warrant the accuracy of any data supplied by the OGA. For further information please contact: Andy Upton-Agerholm Offshore Licensing Geoscientist Email: Tel: 0300 067 1670. The OGA will assume the form has been submitted in accordance with the wishes of the entire licence group under the terms of the joint operating agreement (JOA) or similar agreement. The OGA cannot accept responsibility for ensuring compliance with the terms of a JOA, but would like to know when a dissenting party has been outvoted. Please email applications where possible, but postal applications can be sent to: Licensing Exploration and Developments (licence determinations) The Oil and Gas Authority 4th Floor 21 Bloomsbury Street London. WC1B 3HF Part 1: contact details Include details of the person we should approach for further information, and to whom we should reply. Enter a return postal address at box 4 if you want a written response. Part 2: nature of determination/surrender.
enter the subject licence and the block(s). Also attach (or enclose) a map showing the acreage before the determination/surrender, indicating the position and status of any approved fields and wells within the licensed area. for a surrender, indicate clearly which acreage is to be retained and which surrendered. at Q6 indicate if you are determining the full licence.
If you are, you can skip part 3. Part 3: area to be surrendered Do not complete this part if you are determining a full licence.

Citi Field Concessions Map
enter the grid coordinates that define the area to be surrendered (not the area to be retained). Use the suitable systems to define the coordinates: ED50 datum for offshore licences; National Grid datum for onshore licences. Show the location of all wells and fields within the currently licensed area. specify any sub-area that lies wholly within the area to be surrendered, which will disappear as a result of the surrender. name any company left without beneficial interest in the licence that will seek the Secretary of State approval for an assignment to withdraw. Part 4: questions. name here any party to the licence that objects to the determination/surrender – even if it is not able to block it.
Dodger Stadium Concessions Map
note any incomplete element of the initial term work programme (initial term licences only). list each well on acreage that will become unlicensed, including details of its status (producing, suspended, abandoned). specify any fallow acreage to be surrendered/determined.
Verizon Center Concessions Map
enter the effective date of the surrender/determination, bearing in mind the strictures on notice periods (above). add all other details you think we might need to know. Licence relinquishments, 2003 to present.