Second Life Griefing Toolstation
After reading this article I've begun to wonder: Seems all anyone needs to do these days to effectively shut down or at least severly disrupt a SL business is file a bogus DMCA against anyone they want to see shut down or disrupted. This blog tells the accussed's side of the story. Since the way LL handles DMCA notices leaves the accuser completely anonymous, the other side of the story probably wont ever be told: There is a comment to that blog that mentions that the person filing a bogus DMCA could face perjury charges.
But that would only really hold weight if the person filing the bogus DMCA were actually an American citizen, which statistically, probably isnt true. If the person filing the bogus DMCA is from a country that doesn't even recognize the DMCA, you, as the person being filed against, are pretty much screwed.

To grief in Second Life means to cause great distress or to abuse another resident. To avoid 'griefing' other residents, follow the Golden Rule of 'treat others as.
Even if your accusser does live in the US or a country that recognizes the DMCA laws, now you will have to file a lawsuit against them. Once you can get LL to even tell you who that accusser might be, which probably would take a court order of it's own. Suppose the accuser is an unverified account run by a 15 yr old from Argentina.
That's going to be one fun legal battle, huh? Pretty expensive anyway you look at it, considering the most famous SL DMCA lawsuit resulted in a settlement of very very little money (tho it was a technical win for the sake of winning and a 'Moral Victory', which is deeply amusing considering the lawsuit centered around virtual sex beds) O, and just to make it really interesting, once the anonymous accuser has filed the bogus DMCA against you, they now have all of your real life information at their disposal. Which could make it an excellent tool for stalkers. LL gives the accuser your information, but LL won't give you the accuser's information. But the real sticker issue would be with the way LL fails to return the items which were sited in the bogus DMCA and in their propensity to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Rentmaster keygen for mac.
If it were simply that having a bogus claim filed against you were a bit of an inconvience for a few days but then you could go about your business as usual, maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal. But LL's ham-fisted approach and process for DMCA claims, bogus or not, seems to be geared towards protecting the accuser and leaving the accused to clean up the mess. Even if the DMCA turns out to be bogus, and you do get your all of stuff back, which isn't likely, LL will probably have broken it in the process. Because LL seemingly cannot return the accused items in thier original condition to the accused once the claim has been abandoned by the accuser, they are not actually adhereing to the DMCA themselves. Why should anyone else?
Pretty effective griefing tool? Good way to take down your competition? Or just more of the fun and happiness to be had trying to run a business in SL? For the record, I have no affiliation with Fresh Baked Goods. Haven't ever even shopped there. I just read things and wonder about this brave new world of ours. O, and just to make it really interesting, once the anonymous accuser has filed the bogus DMCA against you, they now have all of your real life information at their disposal.
Which could make it an excellent tool for stalkers. LL gives the accuser your information, but LL won't give you the accuser's information.I had the same thoughts about the potential for griefing when I read this article. I think, though, that your personal RL information is only given to your 'accuser' if you counter-file to dispute the DMCA. I could be wrong, but I'm pretty certain that's how I read it a while back.
Someone else will probably be along to say yea or nay to that.g. As I understand it with textures you have to prove you created them with some type of proof, and even after they file LL can't like take the textures from those who got them through unofficial means. Prim related it's whomever first created item or item shows up in database. Yet anytime I rezz something and it returns to inventory the date changes.but Lindens probably way to see when it was first made. Yet example I see a wing chair in first life I make it, I make a unique texture for it. I stumble upon the same chair in world by someone else, they aren't selling it but its almost identical except the texture. Yet this person pretty good at making things, anyone with similar skills could make a similar chair.
Second Life Griefing Tools To Freeze Scripts
We are friends. I mention I made a similar chair. I decided though I want to sell my chair, but someone else or perhaps the friend has issue with me selling the chair who has made similar chair maybe few months down the road or the person I have never met with similar chair and decides to file a DCMA. The person who made the item first the DCMA is going be favored best even though I hadn't stolen it, I hadn't copybotted it but just because I made the item after them and logs show it. Yet whomever in the complaint will made it first will have it in favor, not the third person who made similar chair who didn't file a DCMA. Yet logic would say I have original textures I made by hand,the image was based on real life chair from 19th century Wing back chair, that anyone with some ability to do prims could figure out.
No clue how they enforce that because I never dealt with the situation yet because I rarely sell anything. I just know little bit about from reading and what my friend went through when he was filing DCMA's against people misusing his sculpty sets. I remember something while back ago with this big hoopla with this one creator who suppose to have had exclusive rights to certain textures that all look liked they were generated by something like google or genetica saying one well known texture business was selling there textures that they had exclusive rights too.

Any one with any bit of common sense about textures and could look in her shop and see that all the textures were either photo generated, well known out there and whomever she mentioned I had never heard of it, it just seemed really, really fishy. Nothing Original yet if you went to well known bigger texture store there was tons and tons of original content and it had proven track record in SL. Almost like griefing but on bigger scale to attack a well known business and person.
Maybe the person stepped on some toes and hurt few feelings but even if it was true she didn't deserve to be accused of theft, but anyone with big business dealing with lot of people its hard to know who is telling the truth, who is doing what too.